
Desain & Produsen Struktur Membran Tarik Profesional

Dengan 10 tahun pengalaman dalam industri struktur membran tarik, kami telah berhasil merancang, merekayasa, memproduksi dan memasang ribuan proyek konstruksi membran tegangan tinggi di 37 negara di seluruh dunia. Struktur kain tarik digunakan sebagai atap / kanopi / teduh / berlayar / tenda untuk fasilitas olahraga, fasilitas transportasi, fasilitas budaya, fasilitas lansekap, fasilitas komersial, kanopi pengolahan limbah, tangki penyimpanan biogas, struktur membran udara, struktur membran hotel, Domes Geodesi dll Struktur kami sesuai dengan standar beban angin dan salju lokal dan internasional. Kami tidak akan pernah mengambil risiko ketika kami memberi pelanggan kami dengan struktur membran yang dikencangkan yang memenuhi persyaratan beban angin dan salju di setiap wilayah atau negara.

  • Produsen profesional

    Produsen profesional

    Kami berspesialisasi dalam menyediakan berbagai layanan mulai dari desain konsep hingga implementasi proyek struktur kain.

  • Layanan berkualitas

    Layanan berkualitas

    Kami menyediakan layanan cepat, berkualitas tinggi dan antusias, dan kepuasan pelanggan adalah prioritas nomor satu kami.

  • Visi Perusahaan

    Visi Perusahaan

    Kualitas adalah penyelamat perusahaan kami. Kami memiliki 0 struktur tegangan patahan dalam proyek kami selama 10 tahun terakhir.

Pabrik Pengolahan Baja

Pabrik pengolahan struktur baja meliputi area seluas 3.000 m2. Ini memiliki mesin pemotong kawat CNC memotong, mesin mesin bending pipa beveling dan bengkel finishing dengan memutar, penggilingan, perencanaan dan pengeboran. Kapasitas pemrosesan struktur baja tahunan adalah 10.000 ton. Ia memiliki kualifikasi konstruksi tiga tingkat struktur baja yang dikeluarkan oleh departemen konstruksi negara yang kompeten.

Pabrik Kain

Pabrik pengolahan membran kain meliputi area seluas 5.000 m2, dengan kapasitas produksi tahunan PTEF sebesar 200.000 m2; kapasitas produksi tahunan sebesar 100.000 m2 ETFE; dan kapasitas produksi tahunan sebesar 300.000 m2 PVC / PVDF. Kami memiliki kualifikasi desain dan konstruksi struktur membran sanksi yang dikeluarkan oleh asosiasi industri.

Geodesic Domes and Yoga: Creating the Perfect Space for the Mind and Body Innovative Roof Designs for Stadium

Geodesic Domes and Yoga: Creating the Perfect Space for the Mind and Body

In recent years, geodesic domes have gained widespread popularity due to their unique design and exceptional functionality. As a company focused on innovative space solutions, BDiR has always been dedicated to providing our clients with distinctive experiences. Recently, we’ve received an increasing number of inquiries from clients who are interested in using large geodesic domes for yoga classes and training sessions. Today, we’ll explore why geodesic domes are becoming the ideal choice for the yoga industry.Yoga is not just a physical exercise; it is an activity that seeks harmony between the mind and body. Yoga practitioners enhance their strength and flexibility while regulating their breath to balance both body and mind, ultimately promoting better health. The geodesic domes we offer are tailored to meet such needs. Their unique structure creates the ideal space for yoga practice, offering unparalleled openness thanks to their large span design. The transparent membrane maximizes natural light, allowing sunlight to gently pour into the dome, creating a warm and comfortable atmosphere.

Beyond spatial comfort, geodesic domes also offer outstanding versatility and flexibility. The sturdy frame not only provides stable support for the structure but also serves as an anchor point for aerial yoga, greatly expanding the dome’s functionality. Whether for regular yoga classes, meditation retreats, or aerial yoga sessions, geodesic domes can easily accommodate a variety of yoga activities.

The installation and mobility of geodesic domes are highly convenient, making them an ideal choice for organizing yoga classes. Whether on an open space in a forest or for an outdoor yoga retreat on a beach, the geodesic dome can be quickly assembled, providing the perfect space for practice.

As people continue to focus more on their physical and mental well-being, the yoga industry is experiencing significant growth. Geodesic domes, with their flexibility, comfort, and environmental benefits, are becoming an essential part of the yoga sector. Looking to the future, we believe that geodesic domes will play an even greater role in yoga retreats, outdoor courses,and multifunctional training spaces. 

As a leading provider of space structures, we will continue to offer more customized solutions for the yoga industry, helping yoga studios and training organizations create their dream spaces. Whether in bustling cities or remote natural settings, BDiR’s geodesic domes will bring peace to the mind and ease to the body for every yoga enthusiast.

Innovative Roof Designs for Stadium

The Guangzhou University Central Stadium, accommodating 40,000 spectators with a 33,673 m² area, showcases unique roof designs tailored to its landscape. Designed for a basic wind pressure of 0.6 Kpa (112 km/h wind speed), the east and west stands feature distinct structures.  

The east stand is integrated into the hillside, with the architect’s concept of merging the stand into the mountain, creating a part of the hill. A green artificial turf-covered sandwich panel roof extends over the stadium, seamlessly blending with the landscape. The roof is supported by a suspension structure, transferring loads efficiently to the foundation.

The east stand, merging with a hillside, has a green artificial turf-covered sandwich panel roof (9500 m², 257 m span, 34 m cantilever). Using a suspension structure, it efficiently transfers load to the foundation.  


The west stand symbolizes "clouds over mountains" with a PTFE membrane roof (16,000 m², 300 m span, 60 m cantilever), supported by radial and circular trusses.